Development @ Rodgers Creek – “Rezoning”

This Post is re-printed from West Vancouver Community Stakeholders Association
Massive 7 tower Rodgers Creek project – Public Rezoning Hearing – Nov 19 – 7pm
British Pacific Properties proposes nearly 700 for-sale condos and 250 rental units to bring total development to nearly 1,000 units (2,000+ people). Scant details include:Seven Towers up to 16 storeys including two 12-storey rental Towers. No details on parking for estimated 2,000+ cars.How many residents will use proposed private bus service to Park Royal?For higher density, DWV proposes BPP pay $7 million Community Amenity Contribution.$2 million of CAC reportedly to be used to build / lighting for trails in the development.And DWV is reportedly to own a rental tower.Think of Traffic Congestion on 22nd and 15th Streets, Taylor Way and Lions Gate Bridge by additional 2,000+ residents. What is Council doing about this #1 issue identified by residents?

Higher Density: 67% of West Van residents polled in recent Angus Reid survey were opposed to increasing our population by building more high-density apartment buildings and condos.

DWV’s Climate Emergency: Council already approved the tree clear-cutting (photo below) and 5 Creeks big pipe project to support this project. Concrete is a major contributor to GHG.

CACs in perspective: Carolanne Reynolds notes that this is more than twice the number of units in the two Park Royal towers currently being built. Park Royal offered $21 million in CACs for their development, BPP is offering $7 million. DWV staff refuses to provide their CAC calculations. 

If this massive project‘s density, traffic congestion and CAC calculation concerns you,please email mayor and council. Public input after Nov 19 will not be accepted.